Neil Diamond Celebrity Lookalike Impersonator
He performs his Neil Diamond “So Good” Tribute on Florida Casino boats and through out the USA full time. The transition to Neil for him was so easy he wishes he would have done it sooner. He has been entertaining, performing music for a living since he was in high school. Fifteen years of experience touring in cover bands throughout the USA, Canada and Europe has lead to producing his Neil Diamond “So Good” Tribute. So Good” is a line from the song Sweet Caroline (good times never seemed SO GOOD) and the 2 words an audience remembers the most after his show. One of many interactive parts of the show is his preamble to the song Sweet Caroline. He never fails getting his audience to sing with him answering the line “Sweet Caroline” with “Bom, Bom, Bom” and then repeating the words “So Good” 3 times after he sings “Good times never seemed so good”.