Elvis Presley Celebrity Lookalike Impersonator Indiana
He is a new generation Elvis Presley Celebrity Look Alike Lookalike Impersonator Tribute Artist. He performs the music and style of the young Elvis Presley, 1956 through the early 1960’s. He has performed in Chicago at the famous Sabre Room (a venue which has featured such names as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc.), Chicago’s House of Blues, and is a favorite in Memphis each August during “Elvis Week”. He has excited audiences at contests, fairs, and festivals throughout the United States. His hip shaking, high-energy shows have beenpleasing audiences throughout the United States since 1998. He has fans all across the country and several foreign countries. He performs the style and music of the youngElvis Presley, 1956, young,raw, and full of charm. His fans range from age 3 to 100, literally. Men and womenlove his shows. Teenagers like the “new” sound he brings them. His audiences arealways an amazing mix of young and old, witheveryone left wanting more.He is well loved and respected by Elvis’ fans. Fans, producers, promoters,reporters, and fellow performers are in awe ofhis stage presence, charm,winning smile, and humble, down to earthattitude, as well as his talent. He has had the honor of meeting andperforming with several of Elvis’ friends. Many of them have literally been moved to tears as they watch him perform. After one of his performances, Sonny West, oneof Elvis’ bodyguards, came onthe stage and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen youhave just seen Elvis Presley as he was when I first met him back in the Fifties.”He respects Elvis and sees Elvis as the one whohas opened his eyes to andthe door to an exciting career. Elvis Presley Celebrity Look Alike Lookalike Impersonator Tribute Artist