Whoopi Goldberg Celebrity Lookalike Impersonator
Songs List
- Aint no mountain high enough
- Aint nothing like the real thing
- Aint to proud to beg
- Behind closed doors
- Big spender
- Celebrate
- Country Roads
- Dancing in the streets
- Day dream believer
- Every Breath you take
- Fever
- For once in my life
- Heat wave
- Hello dolly
- How sweet it is
- Hot stuff
- Lets dance
- Little green apples
- Looking for love
- Make it with you
- Mr.Big stuff
- My guy
- Ooo baby baby
- Oh happy day
- Oh what a night
- On the road again
- Shot gun
- Signed sealed delivered
- Something
- The way you do the things you do
- We are family
- What’s going on
- You were always on my mind
- God bless America
- Happy birthday
- Happy birthday(stevie)
- America the beautiful
- Proud marry
- Smoke on the water