Tom Jones Celebrity Lookalike Impersonator
Performing the hits made great by theKing of all things cool Tom Jones!Big band, R&B classics and romanticballads have always been this Canadianboy’s favorite music for decades, but he hasalways had a special interest in Tom Jones.Growing up in the early ’60s, he had dreamsof someday performing in front of a bigband with a driving horn section.Introduced to such greats as Frank Sinatra,Engelbert Humperdinck, Nat King Cole andof course Tom Jones, allowed him to developa love for these great singers. Though ‘70s rocktook over his musical career for 10 years with3 successful MCA international releases withthe band Wrabit, his true passion was alwaysto someday sing with a big band.New-Year’s eve 1990 finally gave him theopportunity to deliver his first performanceas a Tom Jones impersonator and was receivedwith wonderful reviews. Since then he hastraveled the world singing as T.J. in countlessdiverse venues such as cruise ships, casinos,corporate events and of course many Legendsshows. His repertoire includes all of Tom’s bighits from the past as well as his more recentcuts. All the songs are delivered with the sameenergy, power and melodic passionthat is Tom Jones.