Steven Spielberg Lookalike impersonator

Steven Spielberg Lookalike Impersonator


Steven Spielberg Lookalike Impersonator. It was in the early 1990s and then on a near ongoing since that he began getting mistaken for Steven Spielberg. In 2006 he became aware of a market for lookalike performers and pursued that on the side from 2006-2008. During that time hey performed as a Steven Spielberg celebrity lookalike impersonator on numerous occasions at corporate events, backlot and private parties, on television several times and for a fun and interesting variety of venues. However, with the growth of his charity in Santa Barbara and his increased involvement, coupled with his involvement with his family, wife and two daughters, there simply was no time left to accept Steven Spielberg lookalike invitations.

Having retired from his career in service to people with disabilities in 2015, He is now ready to return to his former adventures as a Steven Spielberg lookalike. In addition to looking like Steven Spielberg, (almost identical height and weight, but Steven Spielberg is about five years older), He also sounds like Steven Spielberg and carries himself in much the same manor. 
He likes to tell the story about his visit to The Milky Way Kosher Restaurant in Los Angeles. This restaurant was owned and operated by Steven Spielberg’s Mother, Leah Adler and, despite being her eighties at that time, she spent much time at the restaurant. He went there thinking that if Leah thought that he looked like her son, then this would be the best indication that he was truly a true lookalike. Upon her first sight of Marty, Leah put her hands on his cheeks, gave them a little squeeze and exclaimed, “You know, you have a punum like my son, Steven!” And, as they say, the rest is history.

Steven Spielberg Lookalike impersonator

Steven Spielberg Lookalike Impersonator