Sam Kinison Celebrity Lookalike impersonator
A Tribute To Sam Kinison It all started back in 1998, when he took his family to Disney. He was a hard working man, needed a vacation and decided to take the family away to Disney in Orlando, Florida. He decides to shave his beard because of how hot it is in Florida. When they get there he decides to buy a Mickey Mouse beret, and wear the beret in place of his baseball cap. He walks through t he park and people start to scream and yell “hey, you look likeSam Kinison!” He was thinking “what the hellare these people talking about?” Then a guy who was on a pay phone, gets off the phone and runs up to me and asked if I do a tribute to Sam, and if I had ever been on the Howard Stern Show. He replied “no”, and the guy says “wellyou should, because you are a dead ringer of Sam Kinison”. After a week of having fun with this he starts to watch all of Sam’s stand up acts and Sam’s style, and thinks “hey, I can do this”. After a few weeks he calls the funny bone in Pittsburgh, PA to sign up for open mic night and gives it a shot. Once he got on stage and broke into his Kinison act the crowd went crazy! That gave him the confidence to do it a second time, but the second time didn’t fare so well. He froze and walked off the stage just a minute into his act. He went home that night and thought “man, what amI doing? I can’t do this.” His second stage appearance really knocked theconfidence out of him and he felt like giving up. After a while his friends and family started to ask why he would quit doing something he is obviouslygood at. They kept pressing into him that he can do it and if he keeps at it, it would pay off. He was blessed to have that kind of support from his familyand friends. He realized this, and not muchlater, he was back on the stageagain and hasn’t quit since. He has shared histalent at comedy clubsall over the country and people love it. Not only does he get to share his act with people that may have never had a chance to see the real Sam Kinison , he gets to interact daily with people that knew the real Sam on a personal level. The same people that knew the real Sameven tell him he is the number one Sam Kinison impersonator in the world! Every time he takes the stage he gets better and better. He watches all ofSam’s old shows on a regular basisto pick up on little things. “Its a different life that I’m living now compared to the way it use to be,” He says “I can’t goanywhere without people screaming “AHHH, AHHHH or saying, “look, its Sam Kinison!”. Everyone he run into says he is going to be big some day. If you have never seen Sam Kinison live, then you’ve got to catch one of his shows,it is unlike anything you have seen. If you everget a chance to see him,whether its at a show or maybe some car or bike show, or just hanging out somewhere, don’t be shy, just walk up and talk to him, and ask forone of his signed autograph pictures, he’ll love to talk with you.